2016年11月5日 星期六

[西藏 Tibet] 藏式茶館 Tibetan Tea House

Tibetan Tea House

It is great that I visited the Tibetan Tea House before I left Tibet.


When no one I met in Hostel wanted to go to Tea House, a Tibetan uncle Xi(I can't remember his name, just call him this name hahaha), who I met at Yunnan, messaged me by asking where am I. I told him that I wanted to visit Tea House but I was afraid to enter as I was alone and most of the customers were Tibetan male. He said I can find him at Tea House. He is a nice person and always text us to make sure the solo-backpacker (like me) to travel safe in China. I feel glad there is someone go with me in the Tea House.

Dumpling and milk tea.


The Tea House was full of customers and Tibetan people occupied the most and few are tourists. Uncle Xi led me to his Tibetan friends. He then left me in the seat to buy food. It was quite strange for me to seat in a crowd of Tibetan males. They seem to be not interested in why I am sitting here and continue their conversation with friends. I guess maybe they are not interested to communicate with Han (Mainland Chinese) (I am not mainland but my face can't tell) and maybe I am just a little girl. Meanwhile Uncle Xi come back with a cup of Tibetan Sweet Tea/milk tea. I really like the milk tea. Later, a waitress put down a bowl of dumpling. I did not have good memory about dumpling in Tibet but this one is a Good one! I eat it one by one with no pause. Uncle Xi asked me is it good. I replied with full of dumpling in my mouth "It taste better than what I ate before." He laughed.

The creased Yuan placed publicly on the table to show the cup need to refill.

When I finished my cup of milk tea, a waitress with a tea pot come and help me to fill another cup. He pick up the Five dollar Yuan paper notes and put back two One-dollar Yuan and five Five-cent Yuan. And then I just released that those creased paper money on the table is a sign for waitress to recognize who want to fill in the drink. This is the first time for me to see Chinese people to expose the money publicly on the table. 


I told Uncle Xi there were so many Tibetan in different tea house everyday. "Yes they waste their time like this" he replied normally. I laughed as for me they are relaxing. When there is a free time, Tibetan will go to the Tea house to meet friends and chat. Also, the food price is low here. Compare to cafes or coffee shop in city, the tea house is an affordable and lively place for majority to stay. In Hong Kong, the cafe is like a fast food restaurant and not always relaxing instead crowded. If it is like this, I would prefer Tea House, however there is none in HK.

2016年5月5日 星期四


蘋果綠茶 與 蘋果乳酪蛋糕


- 熱水 3杯
- 綠茶包 2包
- 蘋果 3個
- 橙或檸檬 半個
- 冰塊 3-4


- 首先準備綠茶,將綠茶茶包泡熱水,水量可根據茶包指示作調整。
- 橙去皮切粒/ 檸檬切粒。
- 蘋果切粒,2個半用來搾汁,另外半個之後用。
- 搾蘋果汁,同樣根據你家用的榨汁機搾蘋果汁,攪拌後可以用隔網或隔渣毛巾擠出汁,渣留作整蛋糕用。
- 冰塊放入綠茶裡,待溶後先慢慢倒入少少蘋果汁,試味吾夠再倒,配甜品最好茶味重。
- 最後找一個大玻璃瓶,放入之前切好的水果,攪拌好的蘋果綠茶倒入就完成。放入冰箱冰一冰再飲會比較好。

蘋果乳酪蛋糕 (5-6杯)
- 蘋果渣
- 雞蛋 3顆
- 乳酪 3湯匙
- 糖 1/2杯
- 低筋麵粉 1杯
- 白醋/香草醋/蘋果醋 1-2滴
- 菜油/葡萄籽油/橄欖油 1湯匙

- 焗爐預熱180度。
- 把雞蛋打至全起泡,期間分2-3次加入糖。
- 蛋全起泡後加入麵粉、油和醋拌勻。
- 之後再加入乳酪和蘋果渣,完全拌勻後推入模(杯型模會較好)。
- 放入焗爐焗35分鐘,或焗至表面有少少深色。

2016年2月3日 星期三










